Neovim: Plugins to get started
2022-09-03 | 18 min read | Leer en españolLast updated: 2023-02-15
So you want to customize Neovim but you don't know where to start? Let me help you with that. I'll show you some plugins many people in the Neovim community have been using for a while now.
All the configuration shown in this post will be in this repository: nvim-starter - branch: 02-opinionated.
If you're completely new to Neovim I recommend you learn lua's syntax. If you don't want to learn everything at least have a reference to know what is valid. All the plugins I'll share here are configured using lua.
If you haven't created a configuration for Neovim, do it now. Here is a guide with everything you need to know: Build your first Neovim configuration in lua.
You'll need Neovim's latest stable version. You can download it from the release section of github. From now on I'll assume you are using Neovim v0.8 or greater.
How do we install plugins?
First thing you should know is how to install a plugin manually. Turns out we only need to download them in a specific folder and Neovim will take care of the rest. We can list all the available directories using this command.
:set packpath?
That will show a comma separated list, which I find difficult to read. We can get something better using a little bit of lua.
:lua vim.tbl_map(print, vim.opt.packpath:get())
This one will show the same list but now every path will be in its own line.
In one of those directories we have to create a folder called pack
and inside pack we must create a "package". A package is a folder that contains several plugins. It must have this structure.
├── opt
│ ├── [plugin 1]
│ └── [plugin 2]
└── start
├── [plugin 3]
└── [plugin 4]
In this example we are creating a folder with two other folders inside: opt
and start
. Plugins in opt
will only be loaded if we execute the command packadd
. The plugins in start
will be loaded automatically during the startup process.
So let's assume we have this path in our packpath
We want to install plugins there, what do we do? Create a pack
folder. Then create a folder with any name you want. Let's name the package github
because why not? So the full path for our plugins will be this.
So to install a plugin like lualine and have it load automatically, we should place it here.
That's it. Well... you need to configure the plugin but that's another story.
To know more about packages in Neovim read the help page.
:help packages
Plugin manager
But of course we don't have to download plugins manually, we can use a plugin manager that handles everything for us.
At the moment these are the most popular plugin managers in the Neovim ecosystem.
If you prefer minimalism take a look at paq
. If you want something full of features use packer
or lazy.nvim
Remember to read carefully the instructions of the plugin manager you choose.
Github: folke/tokyonight.nvim
Because of course the first thing you have to do is change the default theme. We can achieve this by using the command colorscheme
followed by the name of the theme.
In lua we can call vim commands using vim.cmd
. So to apply the theme we have to do this.
vim.cmd('colorscheme name-of-theme')
Here's how we apply tokyonight.
colorscheme tokyonight
Github: joshdick/onedark.vim
Port of Atom's default theme.
colorscheme onedark
Github: lunarvim/darkplus.nvim
Port of VSCode's default theme.
colorscheme darkplus
Github: tanvirtin/monokai.nvim
Port of Sublime Text's default theme.
colorscheme monokai
Github: kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons
Collection of functions to display icons. We usually don't interact with this plugin directly, is mostly used by other plugins, to allow them to show icons.
By itself nvim-web-devicons
is not enough, you need to install a font that supports icons. You can find a good collection in
Github: nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim
Lualine can give us a good looking statusline. If you don't know, the statusline is the thing at the bottom showing the filename and the position of the cursor. Lualine can make it pretty and also adds extra information.
To start using lualine we have to call the setup
function of the lualine
And how do we customize it? In the documentation they show the default configuration.
:help lualine-Default-configuration
All we have to do is add the properties we care about in the argument of .setup()
vim.opt.showmode = false
options = {
theme = 'onedark',
icons_enabled = true,
component_separators = '|',
section_separators = '',
disabled_filetypes = {
statusline = {'NvimTree'}
The first thing I do in this example is disable showmode
because lualine already shows the current mode.
Here is what we got in .setup()
: Is set toonedark
because is the colorscheme I use. But we can change it to any of the available themes in the plugin.options.icons_enabled
: When set totrue
it shows icons in the filetype section.options.component_separators
: Is the character used between components.options.section_separators
: Is the character used between sections.options.disabled_filetypes.statusline
: Is a list of filetypes in which lualine will be disabled. We addNvimTree
so the file explorer looks "cleaner".
Github: akinsho/bufferline.nvim
You know how other editors show a tab for each open file? Okay, that's not how it works in Neovim. For starters we call them tabpages, they are like workspaces, inside them you can open multiple windows. You can even have different working directories per tabpage. But some people prefer the "traditional" behavior and this is what bufferline
does, it modifies the tabline so it can show the currently opened files.
To start using this plugin we need to call the .setup()
function of the bufferline
You can find a reference to the available options in the help page.
:help bufferline-configuration
Here's an example configuration.
options = {
mode = 'buffers',
offsets = {
{filetype = 'NvimTree'}
highlights = {
buffer_selected = {
italic = false
indicator_selected = {
fg = {attribute = 'fg', highlight = 'Function'},
italic = false
: With the value'buffers'
we tell bufferline that we want one tab per file.options.offsets
: Must be a list of filetypes. When one of these filetypes appears bufferline will avoid rendering a tab above the window. Here we are adding theNvimTree
because it'll will be our file explorer. When the nvim-tree window shows up it'll look like a side bar.highlights
: With this we can modify the colors of the components in the tab. Each section (likebuffer_selected
) must be the name of a component. In this example I'm usingitalic = false
to tell bufferline I want to disable italic characters. The propertyfg
is the one that changes the color of the characters. In here I'm telling it to use the same highlight color my colorscheme uses for functions. If you want to see more details about highlights checkout:help bufferline-highlights
Github: lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim Version: 3.x
Adds indent guides in the current file.
To configure it use the .setup()
function of the ibl
indent = {
char = '▏',
And here the options I find interesting.
enabled = true,
scope = {
enabled = false,
indent = {
char = '▏',
: Is used to determine if indent guides should be enabled when opening a filescope.enabled
: If enabled istrue
, the indent guide for the current scope will be highlighted.indent.char
: Is the character that will appear on the screen.
Github: nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter
So treesitter is a library that was added to Neovim, with it Neovim can read your code in the same way a compiler does, it scans the code and creates an abstract syntax tree. In other words, it turns your code into a data structure Neovim can query.
By itself treesitter doesn't do anything useful, its the plugins that use treesitter the ones that add features to Neovim. Enter nvim-treesitter
, it has modules that enhance Neovim's default features. For example highlight
, the most popular module, can make the syntax highlight a lot more accurate than the default.
You can find details about nvim-treesitter modules in the help page.
:help nvim-treesitter-modules
To enable a module we must call the .setup()
function in nvim-treesitter.configs
. Then we specify the configuration for each module in a lua table.
highlight = {
enable = true,
All modules in nvim-treesitter are disabled by default, so at the very least we must add enable = true
to use it.
Now, for treesitter to actually work we need a language parser. The parser is the thing that reads the code. To install a parser we use the command TSInstall
followed by the name of the language.
So to install a javascript parser we use this command.
:TSInstall javascript
We can also tell nvim-treesitter what parsers we always want installed. For this we use the ensure_installed
property in the .setup()
highlight = {
enable = true,
ensure_installed = {
Github: nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter-textobjects
Text objects in Neovim are patterns of text, things like words, paragraphs, xml tags, etc. nvim-treesitter-textobjects
adds more text objects based on treesitter queries. Functions, classes, conditional statements and loops can be available as text objects if we enable them with nvim-treesitter-textobjects
Recap time: Text objects are used in "operator pending" mode. When you use an operator like d
(the keyboard shorcut for delete) you enter operator pending mode. In this mode Neovim will wait for you to provide a text object or a motion. So when you press something like diw
, that d
is an operator and iw
is the text object. You can learn more about motions and text objects if you read the help page.
:help motion.txt
Let's go back to that treesitter thing.
nvim-treesitter-textobjects has its own submodules.
:help nvim-treesitter-textobjects-modules
To configure a module we use the same .setup()
function in nvim-treesitter.configs
highlight = {
enable = true,
textobjects = {
select = {
enable = true,
lookahead = true,
keymaps = {
['af'] = '@function.outer',
['if'] = '@function.inner',
['ac'] = '@class.outer',
['ic'] = '@class.inner',
ensure_installed = {
--- parsers....
Here we configure the select
module in textobjects
, with it we can add the new text objects. Now inside select
we have the following options:
: Loads the module.lookahead
: Makes the cursor jump to the nearest match.keymaps
: The keybindings for the text objects. In the left hand side we declare the keyboard shortcuts. In the right hand side we have the "capture groups", they represent a treesitter query. You can find the full list of groups here: Builtin textobjects.
Github: wellle/targets.vim
This plugin creates new text objects. It adds things like tags, pairs, function arguments, etc. I recommend you read the official documentation, you'll find detailed information (with examples) of every new text object: targets.vim - Overview.
You can configure some things but its not necessary, you can start using it without adding anything in your Neovim configuration. But if you wish, you can find the available options in the help page.
:help targets-settings
Github: numToStr/Comment.nvim
Adds a new operator to toggle comments in code. By default the operator is bound to the keyboard shorcut gc
. This means we are allowed to use any combination Neovim can do in operator pending mode. We can comment a word using gciw
, comment a paragraph with gcap
, comment an arbitrary number of lines with gc
+ number + j
. Really the only limitation will be your knowledge of Neovim, like how many motions or text objects you know.
will also work in visual mode. In visual mode it'll comment the lines selected.
In normal mode use gcc
to comment individual lines.
The only thing you need to do to make it work is call the .setup()
function of the Comment
To know what options are available read the documentation on github: Comment.nvim - Setup.
Github: tpope/vim-surround
This plugin is all about manipulation of surrounding patterns. We can add, delete and change surroundings for a piece of text.
Let me explain.
If we have 'Hello, world'
we can delete the quotes using ds'
. So ds
is the keybinding to delete and '
is the "surrounding pattern" we want to delete.
If we want to add a surrounding we use ys
. Say we have the word Hello
, if we want to wrap it in paranthesis we use ysiw)
. ys
is the keybinding to add a surrounding, iw
is the text object for a word and )
is the pattern we want to add. The result will be (Hello)
If we are in visual mode we can use S
+ a pattern to surround the selected text.
To change a surrounding we use cs
. Say we have 'Hello, world'
, if we want to change single quotes for double quotes we use cs'"
. cs
is the keybinding to change a surrounding, '
is the thing we want to change and "
is the new surrounding.
Github: kyazdani42/nvim-tree.lua
File manager plugin. It shows all files in a tree style view, like most other editors do. It has all the usual features: create, delete and rename files.
To start using this plugin we need to call the .setup()
function of the nvim-tree
All the keybindings available inside the file explorer are listed in the help page.
:help nvim-tree-default-mappings
You can also find a reference to the available options.
:help nvim-tree-setup
Here is an example configuration.
hijack_cursor = false,
on_attach = function(bufnr)
local bufmap = function(lhs, rhs, desc)
vim.keymap.set('n', lhs, rhs, {buffer = bufnr, desc = desc})
-- See :help nvim-tree.api
local api = require('nvim-tree.api')
bufmap('L',, 'Expand folder or go to file')
bufmap('H', api.node.navigate.parent_close, 'Close parent folder')
bufmap('gh', api.tree.toggle_hidden_filter, 'Toggle hidden files')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>e', '<cmd>NvimTreeToggle<cr>')
Here I'm using <leader>e
to toggle the file manager. Then in .setup()
we have the actual configuration.
: When set totrue
nvim-tree will place the cursor at the beginning of the name in a node. Set it tofalse
to disable it.on_attach
: A callback function, it will be executed everytime nvim-tree opens the file manager. It's recommended in the documentation that we set our keybindings here. We use the modulenvim-tree.api
to access nvim-tree's functions. We usevim.keymap.set
to create each keybinding. We bindL
to the
to open a node in the tree. We useH
close the node below the cursor. We usegh
to toggle hidden files.
Github: nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
Telescope's purpose is to provide an interface to filter a list of items. What can we do with this? We can search recently opened files, currently opened files, git commits, command history, keybindings, colorschemes... and 45 other things. Yes, in its current state telescope has 51 commands. Want to know how I know? You can search for a telescope command using telescope.
:Telescope builtin
We can use telescope's commands without any sort of configuration, really. Defaults are actually pretty good. But if you like to know what options are available you can read the help page.
:help telescope.setup()
Now the only thing we need to do is create keybindings for the commands we will like to use frequently.
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader><space>', '<cmd>Telescope buffers<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>?', '<cmd>Telescope oldfiles<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>ff', '<cmd>Telescope find_files<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>fg', '<cmd>Telescope live_grep<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>fd', '<cmd>Telescope diagnostics<cr>')
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>fs', '<cmd>Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find<cr>')
: Search opened files.<leader>?
: Search recently opened files.<leader>ff
: Search files in the current working directory.<leader>fg
: Search for a pattern in all files in the current working directory.<leader>fd
: Search diagnostic messages. A diagnostic can be a error, a warning or a hint.<leader>fs
: Search for a pattern in the current file.
Is worth mention telescope can improve its performance (in some cases) if we install external tools like fd and ripgrep.
Github: nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim
This is an extension for telescope
. It allows telescope to use the same search algorithm fzf uses. This means we can use the same syntax in our search queries. And also improves the performance of the search.
This plugin is written in C
so you will need to compile it before using it. Make sure you have available a C
compiler and make
(the build tool).
To use this extension in telescope we need to call the .load_extension()
function in telescope.
Github: akinsho/toggleterm.nvim
The good news is Neovim has an "integrated terminal" and we really don't need any plugin to use it. The bad news is not like a "UI component" we can toggle easily, is more like a special type of buffer. Toggleterm manages windows with terminal buffers, allowing us to toggle them with one keybinding.
Toggleterm has a whole bunch of features I recommend you read the documentation on github: Toggleterm - roadmap.
To start using this plugin we need to call the .setup()
function of toggleterm
. Here is an example with the options I find interesting.
open_mapping = '<C-g>',
direction = 'horizontal',
shade_terminals = true
: Is the keybinding we want to use to toggle the terminal window.direction
: Determines the position of the terminal window. Posible values arehorizontal
: Darken the background color of the terminal window, to make it different from "normal windows".
Github: tpope/vim-fugitive
Provides a graphical interface to manage a git repository inside Neovim. It also wraps the git
cli so you can invoke any command from inside Neovim.
You can read the help page if you want to know all the details.
:help fugitive.txt
Github: lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim
Gitsigns is a plugin you can use to show "signs" in any line that has been changed somehow. It will let us know which lines have been added, where we deleted a line and which ones have been modified. It has a lot more functions, too many to list here. Check the help page if want to learn more.
:help gitsigns-functions
You can find a description of every available option in the help page.
:help gitsigns-config
If you just want to customize the signs text here's how you do it.
signs = {
add = {text = '▎'},
change = {text = '▎'},
delete = {text = '➤'},
topdelete = {text = '➤'},
changedelete = {text = '▎'},
: Sign for added lines.signs.change.text
: Sign for modified lines.signs.delete.text
: This sign shows where a line was deleted.signs.topdelete.text
: This sign shows if the first lines of the file have been deleted.signs.changedelete.text
: Sign for modified lines that occupy the same space as a deleted line.
Github: nvim-lua/plenary.nvim
Plenary is collection of lua modules. It has bunch of utility functions other plugin authors use to solve common problems.
Telescope uses this plugin internaly, so make sure you install this.
Github: tpope/vim-repeat
Adds "dot repeat" support for other plugins. If you don't know, when we press the dot key (.
) Neovim tries to repeat the last action we did. For example, if we delete a word using diw
we can repeat that just by pressing .
. With vim-repeat
we can repeat actions made by plugins.
Github: editorconfig/editorconfig-vim
There is a popular configuration file known as EditorConfig, it concerns itself with style options like indentation, file encoding, line ends, that sort of things. Several editors have support for this file and with this plugin Neovim can be one of them.
Github: moll/vim-bbye
Provides commands so we can close a buffer without messing with our layout. Say you have two windows opened, if you close a file with the builtin command bdelete
you'll close the buffer and the window. With vim-bbye
we can use the command Bdelete
to delete a buffer and leave the window open.
All you need to do is make a keybinding to close a buffer with Bdelete
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>bc', '<cmd>Bdelete<CR>')
What's next?
Next step is to make Neovim really understand our code: have it autocomplete variables, setup jump to definition, rename variables, all that good stuff. To achieve this I recommend using the builtin LSP client, configure it using nvim-lspconfig and then setup autocomplete with nvim-cmp. But doing that is not exactly easy, I made another guide specifically for this:
Where can we find more plugins?
Here are a few resources you can check, where you can find cool things about Neovim.
What did we do today? We looked at several colorschemes for Neovim. We learned about plugins we can use to bring features of other editors to Neovim. Like with bufferline
we can have a tab per open file. Nvim-tree provides a tree-style file manager. We can use gitsigns
and fugitive
to integrate with git. We can search for all kinds of things with telescope. We can manipulate text in cool ways with plugins like nvim-treesitter
and vim-surround
. With all of this we can have a really good experience with Neovim.
Have any question? Feel free to leave a comment in one of these platform where I have shared this:
You can reach out to me on social media:
- Twitter @VonHeikemen_
- Bluesky
- Mastodon
Thank you for reading. If you find this article useful and want to support my efforts, buy me a coffee ☕